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Michelle Leduc Catlin self-sabotage coaching

Work With Michelle

One-on-One Coaching

Where are you self-sabotaging?

With your Health? Relationships? Money? Career? Purpose? The first thing to know is it’s not your fault.


Until you understand the power of the programming all around you, all the time, you will be caught in the grips of your subconscious mind’s unrelenting desire to keep you average.


Knowing is half the battle.


Work one-on-one with Michelle as your personal coach.

  • Discover your personal self-sabotage archetype

  • Gain insights into the self-destructive habits you may not even be aware of

  • Become your greatest self with customized action steps and support.


Imagine what’s possible when you fully unleash your potential!


Journaling coaching classes


Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Programming Your Mind for Success is a 1/2 day in person or online group seminar for business or personal growth that will forever change your perception of how you’re being influenced.


Introduction to The Power of Journaling is an at-home first step to Michelle’s unique approach to journaling for personal growth and presence practice.


The Power of Journaling is a 10-week live online course to develop your capacity to tap into your inherent wisdom through self-reflective journaling and meditation.


”You are the one you’ve been waiting for."



Michelle Leduc Catlin has been in front of a camera, on stage, or leading at the front of a room for decades.


With a long career in lifestyle media as a story producer, reporter and television host, Michelle moved into acting after an intensive summer studying Shakespearean theatre in Oxford.


Winning an acting award for her first play, Michelle began a new career alongside her continuing journey of personal growth and development. With a commitment to using

the arts to empower people, she created and performed a deeply personal and critically acclaimed one-woman show called How To Become A Diva!


Her acting career ended abruptly when she succumbed to over a decade of chronic fatigue. Using her journal to help her heal, Michelle shares this powerful tool by leading online and in-person journaling workshops.


In 2023, she had the honour of travelling across Canada as the spokesperson of the National Citizens Inquiry, and moderated the live online release of the Interim Commissioners Report.


Michelle is available for speaking and moderating on a variety of topics related to personal growth and empowerment, truth and freedom, spirituality and self-sabotage. Her signature speech is entitled, ”You are the one you’ve been waiting for."



Coaching Testimonials

”Michelle’s approach to discovering personal truth is compelling and kind."

Caroline G.

Journaling Testimonials

”Fabulous tools, insights and guidance from an accomplished writer and teacher. As a blogger and success coach, I learned how journaling can be an authentic experience that sparks better writing for my blog and webinars."

Julia B.

Let's Work Together

Looking for more information? Feel free to reach out to us. Click here to contact us today!

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