Discover how journaling for personal power can transform your year. Create your theme and harness your inner wisdom.

“As the Year of the Wood Snake approaches in 2025, the world is set to enter a period of transformation, resilience, and adaptability. In Chinese astrology, the Snake is a symbol of wisdom, intuition, and mystery. Paired with the Wood element, it brings forth an energy that emphasizes growth, renewal, and grounded decision-making. This combination makes 2025 a unique year for personal development and navigating challenges with poise.”
There are many ways to determine life direction.
Given that we have just begun the Year of the Wood Snake in the Chinese calendar, I was interested in discovering what direction this new beginning suggests.
(Also, I was born in the Year of the Wood Snake.)
I like the possibilities of this year’s forecast, in part because it reflects my life purpose and plans.
Transformation, resilience, and adaptability.
Helping people to adapt to that which they cannot change, find inner resources to change the things they can, and transform their lives and the world by turning challenges into opportunities.
I practice and teach journaling for all these reasons.
It is a methodology that moves us beyond our current thinking and opens up whole new possibilities and even ways of being.
"The journal is a place to let seeds of new directions freely scatter on the page.”
— Ellen Bowers
In what direction are you heading this year?
Are you using the same past strategies to resolve the same problems?
We often get so caught up in the patterns of old programming that we don’t stop to notice that we might be caught in our own trap — repeating the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.

We find ourselves in a proverbial Chinese finger puzzle.
The more we try to pull ourselves out, the more we’re stuck.
Instead of resistance, try letting go.
Begin to speculate in your journal.
What if the issues you’re trying to resolve were no longer a problem for you?
What if the current situation is exactly what is needed to take you in the best direction?
Knowing this, what new freedoms and new opportunities could be available to you?
Instead of resolving to fix the “problems” in our lives, we can instead choose to dissolve them altogether.
It doesn’t mean that the situation will be different, but by relating to it without resistance, you can release the grip it has on you.
This is why I no longer make resolutions to change the things I don’t like in my life.
Rather than resist, I accept what is, and then create the experience I want.
Instead of resolutions, I create a theme for the year that inspires me.
Past themes have included The Year of Growth, The Year of Abundance, The Year of Trusting Life…and now this year’s theme, The Year of Discipline.
I know, discipline doesn’t sound very sexy to most people.
But that’s the thing about a theme (and a journal) — it’s not for anyone other than you.
I have always been drawn to the word “discipline.”
For me, it reflects a level of self-respect and even self-love — a reminder to prioritize my well being and put the oxygen mask on myself first.
When we’re disciplined with ourselves, those around us begin to raise their own standards.
The subconscious mind looks for repetitive content to mimic, the most common behaviours to emulate.
“He who walks with the wise will become wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
— Proverbs 13:20
That’s why healthy parents tend to have healthy children, and, in general, why we tend to have the same level of health, wealth, and happiness as those closest to us.
Interestingly, a quick search of the etymology of the word discipline reveals an alignment with my purpose.
“The word discipline originates from the Latin term “disciplina,” which means instruction, knowledge, or training, and is derived from the verb “discere,” meaning to learn.”
What would be possible in your life if you weren’t trying to force an outcome based on other people’s priorities?
What theme would you choose for this year?
Allow yourself to be drawn to what speaks to you.
In your journal, you will find the silence you need to hear that still small voice.
Explore this powerful tool with me. I will be teaching people my unique method for mining inner wisdom in my upcoming course, The Power of Journaling.
Starting Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ noon EST
Rewrite your story.
Reprogram your life.
Spaces are limited.
Questions are welcome.
What if the current situation is exactly what ix needed to take you in the best direction? That's powerful. Imagine if everyone did just this one thing and saw it that way..