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The Difference Between Thinking & Thoughting

Writer's picture: Michelle Leduc CatlinMichelle Leduc Catlin

Discover the power of discernment. Thoughts can disempower but you can learn to let them go and unleash your true potential with real thinking.

I caught myself thoughting this morning.

You know that feeling when unwanted thoughts invade your mind without invitation or warning?

It’s not thinking, which is intentional and welcome.

It’s that tsunami swirl that bombards our minds before we’ve even opened our eyes.

It activates our stress response and, if we’re not careful, moves down into our hearts and engages our emotions.

Then we’re fucked.

The day becomes a downward spiral of thoughts and feelings we didn’t want, leading to saying and doing things we didn’t mean, leading to circumstances we were trying to avoid in the first place.

But I caught myself thoughting this morning.

I felt the rush of concern pouring in, attempting to leave my mind awash with worry.

We are so susceptible in that groggy alpha brainwave state — which is why it’s such a good time to meditate, manifest, say prayers of gratitude, or just get present.

Hypnotherapy is best done in this state, which is why I dragged myself out of bed and crossed the room to my computer.

I’d downloaded a session the night before, so that I could keep the wifi off and avoid EMF exposure in my bedroom.

Before I hit the play button, I stopped.

Jamaican spiritual teacher, Mooji, advises that when we notice the swirl, we have a choice:

“You can be the witness or you can be the participant.”

When we are in an alpha brainwave state, like we are when we first wake up, are just going to sleep, or are watching TV, our subconscious brain takes over from our thinking or conscious brain.

We are highly susceptible to self-sabotage in this state, because the subconscious is looking for quick fixes to keep us safe, rather than real solutions that make us happy.

What is the herd doing?

How do I fit in with the crowd?

How do I not stand out?

But our true Selves are not here to hide.

Our true Selves are here to explore, express and expand our greatness.

The greatness of Humanity itself.

Yes, we want to include safety, but not as a replacement for pursuing our dreams.

Real safety, real agency, comes from adult choices based on logical decisions made with long-term thinking by our conscious brain.

Real safety has us exercise when we don’t feel like it, keep our word when it’s not convenient, honour our values when it’s not easy.

While the conscious brain is making plans to better your life, the subconscious is making excuses to stop you.

There’s safety in numbers.

But not if everyone’s falling off a cliff.

Thoughts without thinking are the residue of external influences that are often beyond our conscious perception.

While the conscious brain is taking in about 40 bits of information per second, the subconscious is taking in over a million.

If we want to live a life we love, one of our own choosing, of our own design, we need to discern the difference between thinking and thoughting.

Hint: When the thoughts are running amok, they’re not your own.

Just stop and notice, then choose.

Are you going to be the witness or the participant?

That’s food for thinking.


Interested in reprogramming your mind for success in any area?

Find out how to work with Michelle HERE.


Oct 30, 2024

The propaganda speeded everywhere can affect your thoughts and it is necessary to think seriously on everything so your thought process is not hampered or made distorted.

The era of COVID was filled with psyops of fear detrimental to true health and this brought about bad behavior.

Replying to

Totally agree. 👍


Robert Pariseau
Robert Pariseau
Oct 23, 2024

Too much to take in yet.

But there may yet be a solution.

If anyone has a working relationship with pig farmers or kennel operators, they are poised to become serious heroes.

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Hi Robert, I always appreciate your comments. This one, however, has no relationship to this blog, so I will be deleting it. Perhaps you meant to post it elsewhere.


Please consider ,,, The unconscious processing abilities of the human brain are estimated at roughly 11 million pieces of information per second. Compare that to the estimate for conscious processing: about 40 pieces per second.*

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Thank you for that. I have read different statistics, including one much higher than 11 million. I decided to use the most conservative one since it makes the point without inviting unnecessary sidetracking. : )

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