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A Place to Stand Together

Writer's picture: Michelle Leduc CatlinMichelle Leduc Catlin

Thoughts on the Serenity Prayer and acceptance as an access to creativity in the face of life's challenges.

Are you left or right?

Religious, spiritual, atheist?

For or against (fill in the blank)?

I used to have very clear political and spiritual boundaries.

I was interested in discussions within a narrow range of beliefs and opinions and actually thought I was openminded.

But anything outside of my understanding of the world was forbidden territory.

I was willing to learn about a lot of things, but when it came to the paradigms in which most of us define ourselves, I was closed.

In fact, I wouldn’t even look.

And if I’m really honest, I was afraid to look.

There be dragons.

I can remember that fear, though at this point in my life, I can’t quite recall what my rationale was.

I think that’s the point.

There was nothing rational about it.

I was taught that certain political and religious beliefs were inherently wrong and sometimes dangerous.

In fact, I was discouraged from even examining what exactly those other people believed, let alone why.

I write a fair bit about the time in my life (not so long ago) when I was struggling with chronic fatigue.

I write about it not because I have an interest in reminiscing or wallowing, but because those 13 years transformed my life and opened up possibilities I couldn’t have imagined before.

I know that makes no sense on the surface of it.

But it’s a paradox.

The more I lost of what I had, along with the identity I’d constructed around and inside of all of it, the more I became a blank slate.

Who are we if we're not our job? 

Our role in the community?

Our purpose?

The painful questions like, why is this happening to me, why can’t I fix it, what will become of me, are torture when you try and think your way out of them.

But something amazing happens when you accept that which you cannot change and focus on creating something new.

You begin to change.

Put in more accurate language, you transform.

Instead of changing from a square peg to a round peg, you are no longer a peg at all.

You’re like liquid, able to flow anywhere.

Perhaps a better analogy would be that you become that which can hold the pegs -- a vessel for whatever life brings.

When I let go of resisting life as it was, I was able to open myself to completely new ideas and ways of being.

The spectrum of other people’s opinions became a smorgasbord of beliefs and opinions that I still enjoy sampling today.

It was this openness, this willingness to accept what is, that allowed me to heal.

In the coming days, arguably the most consequential election of our lifetime will take place.

People are so entrenched in their opinions that there are already predictions of unrest and possibly violence.

The last few years have taught us that when we allow our fears to override our values, we lose common sense and even decency.

We lose our humanity.

What is important now, more than ever, is that we accept that which we cannot change.

I don’t mean that we should give up on our values, but that we should focus on that which we can create — beginning with ourselves.

There has never been a better time to be the change we wish to see in the world.

The world does not need more resistance in the form of anger, violence and destruction.

The world needs rationality, peace, and creativity.

And that is a place where we can all stand.


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Nov 17, 2024

The serenity prayer is supposed to enlighten you to meet challenges of everyday life. We are our own strength and moral compass and when we can understand that then we can be strong and resist manipulation. As said in a later piece of a president paid off the debts of a third world country is that enough or do people want more. Well kind acts are important but kind acts don't just stop because you did one. Perhaps more support after the paying of debts would be necessary to help the third world country get on the right track and stay on it. We never stop being kind and doing kind acts whether of monetary value or none.


Nov 08, 2024

We want to highlight the serenity prayer as it's so beautiful but we also want to share that goggle search is being manipulated to cover up this website and the comment on stalking for over

20 years of a union member. Yes over 20 years of stalking and harassment. We all know who is paid to manipulate.

By the way give Sam Cooper Twitter and his The Bureau a follow.. He is a very credible journalist. He was fooled by a fake intelligence person regarding William Majcher former RCMP illegally arrested so there was diversion from the real foreign interference and Sam Cooper has apologized publicly to Mr Majcher. The sign of an honorable credible journalist

Was the fake intelligence…

Nov 17, 2024
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Hopefully you can heal as well from the emotional roller coaster. The National Citizens Inquiry must have been exhilarating and exhausting. Time to relax and unwind and continue to fight manipulation. I agree with the comment on wolves in sheep's covering who want to steal your calm and they lead Sam Cooper down the wrong path using fake intelligence to attack a former RCMP agent in order to divert attention to their own criminal acts. We appreciated your hard work with the NCI. That was a real inquiry. Not the fake ones put on by politicians.


I love that serenity prayer. Very calming words. Like chicken soup for the soul. You remember the good ole days of colds with chicken soup and popsicles. A far cry from the criminalizing of a cold virus and 24 -7 fear mongering stealing from good ole common sense and chicken soup and fresh air and sunshine. If those were good in the past for coronaviruses exactly why wouldn't they be good for COVID. Everyone with COVID before COVID was criminalized the same ole treatments worked. It was going through Disney World in December and on. But minus fear and criminalization if you had a cold. That is where the crime and harms and abuse originate from. Comments about abuse…


A place to stand. Interesting subject. Who do you trus?. Who has credibility? We have lots of self professed journalists online like Vincent Gircys states on Twitter. It's up to us to decide who is credible. The main focus is the national security advisors who are paid by our tax dollars who literally are caught manipulating lying and subverting the truth for an agenda That is the key to where corruption flourishes. The self proclaimed journalists are harmless if you research as it's easily verifiable and cover up is key to exposing who the criminals are. Take for instance in our foreign interference inquiry. Cover up by the CRTC where Chinese channels are allowed to broadcast programs showing torture…

Replying to

I see the former cop Vincent G speaks of Maurice Strong. Thf guy mixed up with the UN corruption and Oil for Food with Iraq and North Korea. Power Corporation and Bob Rae's brother. Jean Chretien and organized crime link . The Laurentian elites as you call them. All pretending to be philanthropists.

In fact let's see people talking of the disgraced Health Minister Christine Elliott. Her former dead husband Jim Flaherty put blindfolds on corruption. Those swindlers in Canada. Ponzi schemes bilking millions from Canadians . I see she is working a law firm connected to possible money laundering fake corporations and the case Donald Best worked on where these crooked lawyers ard won the biggest civil tort in…


I believe the focus of the serenity prayer is courage. When you possess courage it helps you put many things into perspective and see it in a new light.

Remember forgiveness is not letting the person who injured you get away with it but rather it allows you to get on with your life.

Courage is contagious. When people come together with courage great things can happen The Trucker convoy proved it. It was a wake up call to many politicians what the majority in Canada really wanted. No matter what lies the media and politicians not wanting to end their grift did the people exposed them and across the world people responded to the brutality on display in Otta…

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Thank you for your passionate and thorough comments, and particularly your thoughts on forgiveness. While I've written over 100 articles on the Covid corruption, as well as on the Freedom Convoy, these Coach's Insights are meant to focus on who we're being and how we can empower ourselves, regardless of what's happening around us. That said, my other blog, The Great Awakening, is where I share information like this. Thanks for your contribution.

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